- "Members of each should have as little agency as possible in the appointment of the members of the legislative, judiciary, and executive magistracies the appointments should derive from the people"
I chose this quote because today the president is able to make judicial appointments, I do not understand why the president should be able to make appointments if the federalist papers state not to?
2. "It is equally evident, that the members of each department should be as little dependent as possible on the of the others,". I chose this quote because it is interesting how Madison states the branches shall not be dependent on the other however they depend on each other by the system of checks and balances.
3. "Divide the legislature into different branches" This quote I chose because its gives an answer on why there is the senate and house. It explains why there is not just one branch of legislature.
4. "First in a single republic, all of the power surrendered by the people is submitted to the administration of a single government; This being true why doesn't America become a direct democracy instead of having our power surrendered to a government that does not share all our concerns?
5. "In a free government the security for civil rights must be the same as that for religious rights." If this is true why is religion in state institutions forbidden if those rights should be held sacred?
- What would Madison say about women having a say in government today?
- The federalist papers are for liberty and non-oppression but were the Founding Fathers not for the oppression of black people and women?
- Is a federal republic possible?
- How is justice the end of government?
- How can justice possibly lead to the end of civil society?
In a response to question number two, it may not be necessarily that they were pro-oppression of black people and women. It may just be the times that they lived in, but they certainly weren't for women and black people.