Thursday, October 6, 2011

10 questions/facts on video

  1. Why not just breed wolves in reserves instead of in public Idaho grounds?
  2. How could a federal agency expect a state to take over a federal project?
  3. Is Idaho obligated to take care of wolves?
  4. Is it legal for Idaho to remove the wolves?
  5. Can state over-ride federal desicion?
  6. How did the U.S. decrease drunk driving?
  7. Why were people against cracking down on drunk driving?
  8. Inncentives are pretty much bribes and aren't bribes illegal in government?
  9. Is mandating fair?
  10. If breathalizers are accurate, how can they contest whether there ok to use as evidence?

  1. Wolves were introduced into Idaho around fifteen years ago.
  2. U.S. use to not have a nation-wide adopted drinking and driving limit.
  3. If states did not comply with with federal mandate the states lost funding.
  4. States gave incentives to gain approval on mandates. 
  5. Number of single parents increased in the 90's.
  6. States control alchohol laws. 
  7. States government controls welfare.
  8. Concern for people in poverty came about during the Great Depression 
  9. People complain wolves ruined livestock.
  10. Bill Clinton made welfare a state issue.

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