Sunday, October 23, 2011

Denmark HealthCare In Relation to American Healthcare

Denmark is one of the few countries in the world that has universal healthcare. It costs about $3,000 a year for a population of 5,000,000 people in there country. Everybody in the country is covered to get medical attention only photo i.d. is neccasary. In America healthcare costs around $7,000 and 20% of the country is uninsured. In Denmark the cost is 9.8% GDP, currently here in America it is 16%. If America was to adopt this system no one can really know what the cost in taxes would be per family. Denmark pays only $3000 a year but their population is 5,000,000, Americas' is 300,000,000 who knows if the cost would be an extra $5000 per person or not. The bases of Obama Care should be made clear to the public so we may understand the bill and possibly accept it.

1 comment:

  1. I can only assume that with a universal health care system, Denmark has a lower quality of health care. But, I don't really know much about Denmark's system so I looked it up anyway. One criticism was their extremely long wait times, this seems to be true in most countries with universal health care.But, theirs doesn't seem to be as much of a disaster as some european countires. I still don't think this is the right way to go about health care though.
    I do agree that the fact's of ObamaCare should be made clear to the public, i've tried to learn as much as I can but I still don't fully understand it.
