Wednesday, November 16, 2011

West Wing

10 Facts

  1. A senator fillibusters to kill a bill
  2. A senator can talke about anything to filibuster it does not have to concern the bill
  3. A different senator can give the filibustering senator a break by asking a question 
  4. The longest filibuster was 24 hours and 18 minutes 
  5. Filibustering only occurs in the senate 
  6. The bill being filibustered in the show was about child healthcare 
  7. Stackhouse wanted money in the bill to go towards Autism
  8. Stackhouse had an autistic grandson 
  9. The bill was a package a value of six billion dollars
  10. Stackhouse read game rules, and from cook books
  1. Why does the matter of talking not have to relate to the bill?
  2. Does the method of filibustering usually work?
  3. What was the longest filibuster that failed to turn the decision?
  4. Are there repeat filibusters?
  5. How often do senators filibuster?

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