Sunday, January 8, 2012

Letter to Bob Casey on pending Bill H.R.308.

Dear Congressmen Casey, 
My name is Matthew Tallent I am a Senior at Haverford High School in Delaware County. I am writing to you this weekend the anniversary of the Tucson Arizona shooting, on the subject of pending bill H.R.308. This bill if passed would band large capacity ammunition feeders, magazines that exceed a holding amount of ten bullets. Guns of this nature have been used in many mass murders such as the Columbine shooting, Virginia Tech shooting, Fort Hood Shooting, and the Tucson Arizona shooting which happened just one year ago. The clips that exceed ten bullets are not used with the intent of hunting, they are used with the intent to kill. Six states have taken the lead on banning large capacity ammunition magazines as well as assault weapons. 
In the past ten years there have been three thousand four hundred and nineteen murders in Philadelphia, that is more than the number of American casualties in the Afghanistan war. We as Americans must do as much as we can to take back our country threatened with guns. I know that guns cannot be wiped out from America but every step closer makes a big difference. I thank you for considering my request and I hope that you will do as much as you can to pass H.R.308. 
                                Thank You,
                                            Matt Tallent

Truths about Americans Political System

  1. Liberty For All +
  2. Freedom +
  3. Due Process +
  4. Abundant +
  5. Controlling -
  6. Regulations 0
  7. Opportunity +
  8. Entitlement Programs -
  9. Unemployment +
  10. Social Security 0
  11. Private Healthcare 0
  12. College Expense -
  13. Income that goes to government about 35% -
  14. Over taxing -
  15. Uncompetitive capitalism -
  16. Foriegn Involvment -
  17. Extension of Military -
  18. Defense +
  19. Dependency on Government -
  20. Size of Government -
  21. Corruptness in Government -

Truths about Americans Political System

  1. Liberty For All +
  2. Freedom +
  3. Due Process +
  4. Abundant +
  5. Controlling -
  6. Regulations 0
  7. Opportunity +

Left Right Center Third Parties


  1. 58% of Americans believe that we need a third political party.
  2. 50% of Americans do not want wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  3. Democrats do not approve of third party because they are worried Obama would lose votes in 2012 election.
  4. Third parties should not be owned by rich people.
  5. Public financing is critical in third party. 
  6. Tea party was integrated into the Republican party. 
  7. Parties break down or integrate into the Republican/Democratic party. 
  8. Public funding of campaigns will most likely come to America in the future. 
What issues does a third party cause good and bad?
Does America need a third party?
Would a third party do any better in America than a Republican or Democratic party member?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Political Cartoon

Nate Beeler - The Washington Examiner - Recess Appointments COLOR - English - barack obama,recess,appointment,cordray,cfpb,nlrb,labor,politics,campaign,2012,presidential,election,constitution,congress,pro forma,senate,house,national archives
Are Obama just making recess appointments to get re-elected?
Who is right: The Republicans rejecting the appointments or Obama making them?
Do the appointments violate the constitution?

Reform Party

Issues that the Reform Party Focuses on:
  1. Fiscal Responsibility 
  2. Taxes 
  3. Job Creation
  4. Personal Healthcare
  5. Education
  6. Government Ethics 
  7. Environmental Policy
  8. Foreign Policy 
  9. National Security
  10. Constitutional

Congress Should:
Get No free Meals
Get No more free Gifts, or Trips
Pass Laws with Penalties instead of Rules
Congress should have equal benifits (such as health care and retirement) as the average American.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Guns in America

Why does America have on of the highest gun related death toll in the world?
What can be done to change the gun laws?
Is anything being done to change gun laws?

Gun crime map of America interactive

Monday, January 2, 2012

Answering Hopes Questions on the Economy:
1. If we continue to accumulate debt at the rate that we are, how much debt will America have by 2020? How will this affect future generations?
2. Are there any solutions to help our country decrease its debt in an efficient manner? If so, what are they?
3. How does our debt compare with other countries' debts? What does this mean for America?

1. As the chart shows by 2020 the national debt of the US will be 22.5 Trillion Dollars.

us debt graph 2020 future trend national gd crisis

2. Decreasing the debt can be done efficiently with compromise and cuts to the right sections. The cuts that would produce lots of money lie in the defense sector but no one wants to make the cuts to the military. Some money would be made back from taxing the wealthy that make $250,000 and above it should be based on a percentage of income, the middle class should not pay as much in taxes as the wealthy. America must learn to cut instead of throwing money at the economy and hoping to change. The economy cannot be controlled by just America, it is global therefor a global issue. However we can bring business back to America by putting unrealistic tariffs on foreign goods such as Nike products, this would help bring business back to America. Solutions using tariffs, and manipulation of powers is much greater than just pumping money in the economy.

3. If you watch the world news every night or read the paper you'll see Greece, Italy, Egypt and many other countries economies are struggling just as much as ours is. It is not just a domestic issue but a chain reaction that reaches all of the world. What this means for America is that we have less reliable companies to invest in, and others around the world lose faith investing in our companies. This is just one of a plethora of consequences from a global recession.