Tuesday, November 1, 2011

West Wing

  1. Presidents administration really picks the new justice he just approves.
  2. Presidents makes the choice then his choice is approved by senate. 
  3. President choses someone who has the same views as him and will vote the way he/she would.
  4. Sometimes justices retire to leave the new appointment to a president he favors. 
  5. Ways new appointments are made: If justice steps down, if one dies. 
  6. Circuit court is the state level judicial branch. 
  7. Due Process is mentioned: 14th ammendment equal oppurtunity act.
  8. Right to chose and privacy in that choice was decided in Roe V.S. Wade
1.  Should president make appointment to justices?
2. Should justices serve for life?
3. Why aren't justices appointed by popular vote?
4. How many justices have died in office?
5. Who was the most popular justice and why?

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