Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Reading on Supreme Courts Ruling in 2000 Recount


  1. Court was under leadership of William Rehnquist
  2. Court showed minimalism 
  3. Court presented a unanimous decision in Bush vs. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board
  4. Court presented 5-4 decision in Bush v Gore 
  5. 6 Justices were unwilling to accept Bush's major submission, that Florida supreme court produced unacceptable change in Florida law 
  6. .5 members of the court accepted the equal protection agreement
  7. Gore losses case overall
  8. Supreme Court Ends recount
How could Florida supreme court make unacceptable changes in law?
Why did the Supreme court end the recount?
Why did the Supreme court hear the case only to deny Gore?
Was Democracy achieved?
What would the supreme court do different next time?

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