1. Carter decided that Washington is an island isolated from the mainstream of mainstream of our nations life.
2. Congress works monday afternoon to friday morning to give congress more time with constituents.
3. In midterm elections one or two dozen new congressmen and senators arrive in Washington.
4. Congressmen live in there home state and in Washington between work and time off.
5. Many congressmen get caught up in Washington's internal politics.
6. Many congressmen become lawyers, lobbyists, or consultants after being replaced.
7. Lobbyists and congressmen tend to bump shoulders in downtown Washington where they have regular tables.
8. Most politicians fraternize mainly with colleagues from their own party.
9. Almost every relationship made by a politician is to gain power.
10. Trent Lott of Mississippi is the House Republican whip.
- How can the issue of greed for power be solved?
- How do politicians become corrupted so easily?
- Would America be better with a direct vote from the people on bills instead of Congress?
- If politicians were not allowed to hold jobs in government after their term is up would this solve problems potentially?
- Why is lobbying using money legal?
- Should it be legal for lobbyists to congregate with congressmen so frequently?
- Why did Carter say Washington is isolated from the rest of the nation if anything it is one of the more mainstream cities of the nation?
- Does anyone do good to better the country in congress?
- Should congressmen only be allowed to serve one term so they do not worry about their campaign so much?
- Should congressmen's reelection be based on passed actions with lobbyists considering lobbying is legal?
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