1. Case was based on a county that everyone had cancer in, due to Ford dumpling sludge, paint waste, and other chemicals.
2. Many people in the county where the Ford plant were died from cancer the youngest was around eight years old.
3. EPA was called to clean up but did not get half of the sludge and were called out again years later.
4. Wayne Mann was the plantiff of the case
5. The case took five years to settle
6. The county was put on the Super Fund list
7. John Corzine got involved in the cleanup and made the epa stay to get everything cleaned up
8. Mann and several other families settled out of court.
9. There were 650 families affected in all
10. Settlement was 12 million dollars each family got 8000-10000 Dollars really nothing for Ford
Why did Mann settle out of court?
What has occurred since after the case?
Does Ford care about what happened?
Does Mann regret settling out of court?
Whats a fair amount Ford should pay?
What assignment is this for?