Sunday, November 20, 2011

“How Birth Control And Abortion Became Politicized”


  1. The first birth control clinic was opened in the United States in 1916
  2. It was opened and ran by Margret Sanger 
  3. Sanger opened the clinic because she was outraged she could not give her female patients information about contraceptives 
  4. It was illegal in the early 1900's to give information out about contraceptives 
  5. The Comstock Law prohibited any distribution of information that was obscene
  6. Sanger gave information to an undercover policemen and was put in jail for thirty days after that
  7. The court found it legal for doctors to talk about contraception 
  8. In 1930's American Medical Association ruled that doctors could give information on birth control to their patients 
  9. 1936: Information on contraception was taking out of the obscene category 
  10. Contraception was favored by Jewish and Protestant communities
1. Did Sangers clinic get shut down when she was arrested?
2. Did she perform abortions?
3. What would she think of contraception today?
4. What would she think of abortion today?
5. Is Sanger thought of as a hero of medicine today?
6. How could information be banned doesn't that go against the 1st ammendment?

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