I chose to interview my Mom for this project to find out more about her political ideas. She associates with the republican party as a voter. She chooses to vote Republican because they are pro-life, conservative, knowledgable in war issues, and do not support programs that enable people, programs such as welfare.
The economy concerns her most because people can no longer trust in retirement, or save money without losing it if the market falls. My mom works for the government as does my dad, if the government goes on ferlow, or shutdown for a week my mom would lose a week of pay. It is very possible the government will shut down if it does not stabilize. She likes the freedom of speech that is entitled to Americans. She dislikes how the government is so political and everything that goes with the politics. She believes that the government should belong to the people and less to the government. To solve the economic crisis we are in will take 5-10 years to stabilize. To fix this we should cut wasteful spending, earmarks in bills, congresses excessive benefits, have less government regulation on businesses in America, and have incentives for business to come to America. Other ideas would be to extend plans on paying off mortgages to avoid forclosures.
On the topic of the constitution my mom is neither a strict constructionist nor an activist but somewhere in between, she said we should follow the constitution but some things should be modified. An ammendmant she would modify is the second, so that guns are not so accessible as well as banning semi-automatic weapons so that only police can access them.
I agree with many of the things my Mom does however I am not Republican. She is very knowledgeable on the subject of politics, I have learned a lot about government from her over the years.
Checking for people's history reading reflection.