Thursday, September 15, 2011


1. Should are government manage the economy?
2. The government was created to represent competing interests so is it better to have conflict in Congress or just a one sided party in office.
3. Why have we strayed from Aristotole's oppinion of politics and gone towards Vidals oppinion?
4. As long as we fight over political issues is that accomplished democracy?
5. Why are we a country so against immigration if most of our citizens are immigrants themselves?
6.  How many immigrants can USA take in before we become overpopulated?
7. At what rate could this happen?
8. Do we still let foreigners seek refuge in our country automatically?
9. What is the hardest part of becoming a citizen in the USA?
10. Why do we send back the incredibly smart people who come to study in America and who would like to stay here, have potential to create businesses and jobs?
11.  Why give poor people welfare does it not enable them to stay poor?
12.  Why should the government take on the responsibility of taking care of the poor if most of them do not vote and participate in government?
13. Is democracy better when there are more political parties?
14. Should political parties exist or should everyone be and individual and express there own ideas not just voting with there party?
15. Why would our country make up for discrimination that happened a hundred years ago with affirmative action?
16. Even as democracy embraces competition couldn't competition be the downfall of democracy?
17. Is America a democratic nation or a republican nation?
18. Is it fair to inquire the heritage and racial qualities of one through the census?
19. What are Americas core values today?
20. Could we say Americas core values have changed?

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