Sunday, September 25, 2011


            I chose to interview my Mom for this project to find out more about her political ideas. She associates with the republican party as a voter. She chooses to vote Republican because they are pro-life, conservative, knowledgable in war issues, and do not support programs that enable people, programs such as welfare.
The economy concerns her most because people can no longer trust in retirement, or save money without losing it if the market falls. My mom works for the government as does my dad, if the government goes on ferlow, or shutdown for a week my mom would lose a week of pay. It is very possible the government will shut down if it does not stabilize. She likes the freedom of speech that is entitled to Americans. She dislikes how the government is so political and everything that goes with the politics. She believes that the government should belong to the people and less to the government. To solve the economic crisis we are in will take 5-10 years to stabilize.  To fix this we should cut wasteful spending, earmarks in bills, congresses excessive benefits, have less government regulation on businesses in America, and have incentives for business to come to America. Other ideas would be to extend plans on paying off mortgages to avoid forclosures.
           On the topic of the constitution my mom is neither a strict constructionist nor an activist but somewhere in between, she said we should follow the constitution but some things should be modified. An ammendmant she would modify is the second, so that guns are not so accessible as well as banning semi-automatic weapons so that only police can access them.
       I agree with many of the things my Mom does however I am not Republican. She is very knowledgeable on the subject of politics, I have learned a lot about government from her over the years.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Political Cartoon

                       Why are the rich always given the tax cuts if the trickle down effect has been proven not to work?
                       Why does the middle class always have to support the rest of the countries tax breaks?

                     Should the rich pay the most takes and how would government enforce this?

Thursday, September 15, 2011


1. Should are government manage the economy?
2. The government was created to represent competing interests so is it better to have conflict in Congress or just a one sided party in office.
3. Why have we strayed from Aristotole's oppinion of politics and gone towards Vidals oppinion?
4. As long as we fight over political issues is that accomplished democracy?
5. Why are we a country so against immigration if most of our citizens are immigrants themselves?
6.  How many immigrants can USA take in before we become overpopulated?
7. At what rate could this happen?
8. Do we still let foreigners seek refuge in our country automatically?
9. What is the hardest part of becoming a citizen in the USA?
10. Why do we send back the incredibly smart people who come to study in America and who would like to stay here, have potential to create businesses and jobs?
11.  Why give poor people welfare does it not enable them to stay poor?
12.  Why should the government take on the responsibility of taking care of the poor if most of them do not vote and participate in government?
13. Is democracy better when there are more political parties?
14. Should political parties exist or should everyone be and individual and express there own ideas not just voting with there party?
15. Why would our country make up for discrimination that happened a hundred years ago with affirmative action?
16. Even as democracy embraces competition couldn't competition be the downfall of democracy?
17. Is America a democratic nation or a republican nation?
18. Is it fair to inquire the heritage and racial qualities of one through the census?
19. What are Americas core values today?
20. Could we say Americas core values have changed?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Political Issues That Are Important to Me

            In a world that is so greatly connected by instant communication, where every issue is brought to our attention everyday through tv, ipods, and internet it is hard to narrow in on issues that are the most important. They are all important but some stand out more than others.
           First and foremost the economy is the most vital issue we face today. If America is a capitalist nation, money is sometimes all politicians care about. The reason we must restore our economy is needed because America will not be able to act on any other issue without money. America must fix itself in order to be able to reach out and successfully help others. To restore our countries we must take drastic cuts! Fifty Four percent of our budget goes to military funding, it is money that should not be spent were never going to wipe out terrorism from the Middle East. Bring the troops home now protect them and end the political humanitarian effort in Libya were only there because the fighting interfered with the oil wells. There are other countries involved in NATO but we always seem to take full lead and the citizens pay the price. America could easily save 54% and drastically change the economy yet we take from the educational system, and other much needed systems. President Obama must go as well it may not be his fault we are in this recession but it is his fault that it has not changed. KRS One said  "We must not get caught up in emotional politics if you are satisfied with the way the country is going re-elect the politicians you have, if you do not like the way the country is headed elect new politicians". America must change the economy and the President in office does not have the skills to change it therefore America needs a new president.
            Much of Americas' money has been spent on protecting oil resources, lowering its prices, and insuring America can access it. This is why I feel Energy Independence must be the first issue we deal with when we restore stability to our economy. It happens time and time again Presidents sending young soldiers to foreign parts or the world so the price at the pump does not go up yet we pay for the military effort in taxes. Its an endless cycle that has been seen in the Iraq war, the Libyan/NATO military effort, and many other wars. Oil is Americas drug of choice, we go to war over it, pay about $2500 for one cars   annual gas, and  if we can't get it we would shut down. America is to dependent on oil not just on foreign oil but oil itself. Not only do we pay to much in money for it but the emissions from gas, oil, even the "clean fossil fuel" natural gas are life damaging and greatly effecting our globe. Global warming is just a distraction from the bigger picture, global warming is just a symptom of fossil fuel use. The reefs in the ocean are dissenegrating, animals that are vital life to our biosphere are being drowned in oil from spills like New Orleans, and The Exon spill. America must be the leader on this issue a law should be issued that by 2020 all businesses and new developments should be 50% self reliant on energy with the use of solar panels, wind turbines, or other ways such as Bloom Boxes. Our fellow citizens should switch to electric cars. The average price is around $32,000 however over the coarse of ten years with a gas car one spends at least $20k to $30k, the electric is still cheaper and produces zero tailpipe emissions. If America can do this our world will be cleaner and we will be self sufficient on energy as long as we utilize our own resources. A vital step America must take.
            The last two political issues I feel very strongly about. They are the pro-life movement, and the Save Darfur Movement. I believe that as an American we take things for granite I try not to but I know I do. When we as Americans are giving so much it is hard to sympathize with those who do not have much because we are so far apart. However I believe that all people are the same we all have good and bad in us despite our differences were all more similar than different. It is our duty as being privilaged people have computers, homes, cars, water, food, and freedom to raise our voices for those who can not be heard. I am the President of the STAND for Darfur club in school and even though I know that I can know instantly cure Darfur it is my goal and duty to make sure that there voices are heard and they are not forgotten. Along with Darfur I am against abortion because I think it is incredibly backwards for someone who is living to decide what is life and to reject life from having a chance in this world. We all deserve life. Life is life just because someone decides a potential baby is not life does not justify the act of abortion. If someone is responsible enough to have sex than they should be responsible enough (mother and father) to raise that child. In the case of incest and rape they victim could just give the baby up for adoption. Even though just because one crime is committed it should never lead to another crime of punishing innocent life. We all must fight for people who don't have the God giving rights our country  is based upon. Everyone deserves the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.