Thursday, December 15, 2011

Electoral College Reform Daniel Lazare


  1. President is elected by electors not popular vote.
  2. The election of 2000 was decided 36 days after the election should have been decided. 
  3. Electoral college usually undermines third parties, independents never have a chance to be president. 
  4. Voter population grew more diverse, more vast as property qualifications became obsolete and women/african americans gained voting rights.
  5. The electoral college does not properly convey the views of the diverse voter population. 
  6. Malaportionment is a common feature of democratic government. 
  7. Gore did not win the popular vote in the 2000 election despite the closeness.
  8. The senate is malaportioned, no one makes a big deal about this.
  9. Society has reached a dead end and radical change is unavoidable. 
  10. 2% of the ballots in 2000 election were not counted. 
  1. How is the electoral college ever been democratic?
  2. Why has the electoral college not been made obsolete already?
  3. When was the electoral college put into place?
  4. What percent of the US is in favor of the electoral college?
  5. Is the electoral college constitutional?
In America we live in an indirect democracy. If we live in a direct democracy we would never have heard of this electoral college. I believe that even though we live in an indirect democracy the electoral college is unconstitutional. I believe that the elections should be based off of popular vote I cannot understand why  a college is needed if we the people are supposed to elect our leaders. I would abolish the electoral college and initiate American spirit to increase voter turnout. 

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